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Author: Steve Eisenberg

How to Use Witness Statements for Your Car Accident Claim

After a car accident, get witness statements to support your personal injury claim When someone else causes your car accident, that person will not always accept fault. That person may worry about their insurance payments, or may not even realize he or she is at fault. In this situation, you need support for your claim.  Witness statements can help you show what happened, and encourage a better settlement or a stronger result if you go to trial. Identify Potential Witnesses Early After...

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Financial Compensation And WI Motorcycle Accidents

Recovering Financial Compensation After a Wisconsin Motorcycle Accident Warmer weather always leads to an increase in the number of motorcycles on Wisconsin roadways. Unfortunately, this also increases the chances of a motorcycle accident occurring. Riders who are involved in a motorcycle accident almost always end up with an injury simply because motorcycles offer less protection than automobiles. Those injuries can be extensive and costly; filing a personal injury lawsuit can help victims...

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How Much Time Does Wisconsin Give Me to File an Injury Claim?

Generally, you have 3 years to file a personal injury claim Wisconsin has a hard-and-fast rule about time limits for filing an injury lawsuit. The clock on the statute of limitations typically starts running once the injury occurs. In most cases, you have three years to file an injury lawsuit, whether the injury resulted from a motor vehicle accident or from someone else’s negligence. This three-year limit is reduced to two years if there is a death. Even if you’re not sure...

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Economic and Non-Economic Personal Injury Damages

Determining the value of your Personal Injury claim Personal injuries come around in all kinds of ways. You can be injured while driving, on someone’s business or personal property, or even on your own property. If someone else causes your injury through negligence or recklessness, you can file a claim for damages. Before doing so, it helps to understand just how a court or insurance company thinks and speaks about those damages. Broadly speaking, they fall into two categories: economic...

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How to Value Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

Get help valuing your Wisconsin Motorcycle Accident claim Motorcycle accidents often lead to significant injuries and property damage costs. If someone else causes the accident, you can expect their insurance company to come to you quickly with an offer. Avoiding the cost and time of litigation may be tempting. Before you accept any offer, though, you should see an experienced personal injury attorney. By talking you through your case, he or she can help you understand the value of your claim. Injuries...

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