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Month: November 2016

Madison DUI Attorney discusses Implied Consent in Wisconsin

Blood Alcohol Concentration test – Madison DUI attorney provides advice If you are stopped by a police officer for operating a vehicle while intoxicated, you may initially want to refuse a blood, breath, or urine test for blood alcohol concentration. Unfortunately, though, that does not usually help you. The reason for this is Wisconsin’s implied consent law. This law provides that in Wisconsin, anyone who is arrested with probable cause to believe he or she is intoxicated is required...

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Who Is Liable If My Child Is Injured at School?

Personal Injury Attorney Madison WI discusses School Injuries Across the country, injuries happen at schools every day. Most of these are minor, the kinds of bumps and bruises that do not even slow your child down. But when something more serious happens, you need to know where to go for help. Depending on the severity of the injury and how it occurred, the school and other individuals involved may be liable to you for damages. A Madison WI personal injury attorney helps you determine who...

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What to Bring to Your Personal Injury Legal Consultation

Personal Injury Lawyer Madison WI identifies facts to know for your case When you suffer a personal injury, you probably know you should consult a lawyer who can help protect your rights. But the lawyer does not work magic that advances you directly from an injury to a settlement or a verdict in your favor. Your results depend on the facts of your individual case, and how those facts work to demonstrate the liability of those responsible for your injury. The attorney conducts an investigation...

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