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Personal Injury Claim Investigation in Wisconsin

Investigating a Personal Injury Claim in Wisconsin

The attorneys at Eisenberg Law Offices undertake a rigorous investigation process for every personal injury claim we represent. While our clients are busy recovering from their injuries, we are busy collecting evidence and building a case that returns the best outcomes and highest compensation amounts possible. Our investigation process consists of four primary phases, which are outlined below.

Attorney Investigation Processes in a Personal Injury Claim

  • Discovery. This is the very first step in any Wisconsin injury claim investigation – discovering what we can about the situation. We begin with an exchange of information with the other party. How this step is handled by the other party, gives us insight into their approach. Depending on the case, we may request documents, records, surveillance videos, and more to ascertain the basic facts of the situation.
  • Investigation. During this phase, we examine the scene of the accident in person. This helps us gain an understanding of the area where the accident occurred as well as how it may have happened. We can look for environmental factors that may have played a role as well as maintenance issues that could have contributed to the accident.
  • Surveillance. Cameras are everywhere these days. We examine surveillance footage from the day of the accident from private and public properties to see if there is any recording of the accident as it occurs. This visual evidence can be very powerful in building a personal injury case and proving negligence. We look for multiple cameras and multiple angles to obtain the most comprehensive evidence we can.  
  • Recorded Statements. Recorded eyewitness statements are extremely helpful in any personal injury claim, particularly if they come from unbiased third-parties. We thoroughly examine any recorded statements on file and will even try to track down witnesses who did not make a statement at the time to build our case. 

Meet with the Wisconsin Personal Injury Attorneys at Eisenberg Law

If you want to pursue a personal injury claim in Wisconsin, contact the injury attorneys at Eisenberg Law Offices. We represent victims throughout the state and bring over 30 years of experience to every case. Learn more about our services and meet with a personal injury attorney privately during a free case consultation. Arrange your free consultation, by calling 608-256-8356 or emailing us at