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Wrongful Death Attorney Madison WI

Making Sure Your Law Firm Can Afford to Try Your Wrongful Death Claim

Before starting a wrongful death claim, evaluate your prospective law firm

When you lose a loved one and someone else is to blame, you may want to bring a wrongful death action. With all the considerations you need to make, you may not know whether the lawyer you choose can afford to pursue the claim. Working on a contingency fee arrangement requires a firm to operate with enough resources to take your case all the way to settlement or trial. You need to work with an established firm that can absorb the costs involved without jeopardizing your wrongful death case.

How Contingent Fee Cases Work

When you are struggling with the loss of a loved one, your resources are often lean. Paying an hourly fee to your lawyer in a wrongful death case in these situations can be an extra burden you don’t need or can’t afford. A contingent fee arrangement helps remove that burden. Your lawyer works your case without charging you for the time or the expenses he or she incurs. When you win a settlement or damages at trial, the lawyer collects his or her fee as an agreed percentage of your settlement amount. This helps give you peace of mind that the lawyer is working for your best possible result.

Costs for the Lawyer

The only downside to you in this arrangement comes when the attorney can’t afford the costs involved. Working a case to trial requires much more than reading and writing. The lawyer has to be ready to pay court costs, investigator fees, expert witness fees, travel expenses, and fees for medical reports. This can cost thousands of dollars. If you are working with a solo practitioner or a law firm without strong reserves, you may not be able to make it to trial without putting some of those costs forward yourself.

At Eisenberg Law Offices, we have years of experience and solid financial footing. We will prepare your case thoroughly and efficiently. If you have a wrongful death claim, contact us at or at 608-256-8356. We have the resources and experience to give you the representation you deserve.