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FAQs In Personal Injury Cases

Common FAQs in Personal Injury Cases

Most Wisconsin residents go through life never getting involved in personal injury cases. It’s no surprise then, that when you do find yourself embroiled in a personal injury (PI) situation, you have a lot of questions. Our answers to some of the most common PI questions can help ease your mind and understand what to expect in a personal injury case.

  1. What is a personal injury case?

Whenever a person is injured due to another party’s negligence, it can lead to a personal injury case. They are some of the most common types of civil cases today. PI cases can take one of two forms. The first type is a personal injury claim, such as when you negotiate with an insurance company adjuster to collect compensation. The second type is a personal injury lawsuit, which is much more involved and can lead to a trial. Consultation with a personal injury attorney can help you decide which strategy is best for your situation.

  1. What are the most common types of PI cases?

Injuries can arise in many different situations, which means there are many different kinds of personal injury cases. Some of the most common cases in Wisconsin are:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents
  • Slip and Fall Accidents
  • Premises Liability Accidents
  • Product Liability
  1. What kinds of damages can I collect?

You must have suffered damages or a loss in order to pursue a personal injury case. Damages are awarded in the form of financial compensation and may cover both physical and emotional losses. Examples of damages that may be awarded include:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages for both past and future expenses
  • Punitive Damages
  • Wrongful Death
  • Pain and Suffering
  1. How can I afford an attorney if I have lost everything due to the injury?

Personal injury situations can be financially devastating to the injured party. Recouping some of this financial loss is a primary reason why people pursue legal action. If you are worried about paying for an attorney to help you with your case, you’ll be pleased to know that many PI attorneys work on a contingency basis. They will not collect any fees from you unless you win. 

  1. How do I select an attorney?

Finding an attorney who is qualified and whom you trust is essential to making it through a personal injury case. Take some time to research attorneys and don’t be afraid to ask questions about their experience with cases like yours. You can start by:

  • Researching attorneys online
  • Developing a list of questions to ask during your consultation
  • Obtaining referrals from friends, family and colleagues
  • Interviewing a short list of attorneys
  1. How do I know whether or not I have a personal injury case?

There must be grounds in order for a personal injury case to proceed. Attorneys look for several elements to determine if a case exists:

  • Did the negligent party have a duty of care?
  • Did they breach that duty of care?
  • Was the claimant injured as a result of that breach of care?
  • Did the claimant suffer damages as a result?
  1. Is there a time limit on pursuing a case?

There is a statute of limitations of 3 years on personal injury cases in Wisconsin. This means that if you do pursue legal action, you must file a lawsuit within 3 years of being injured.

Meet With An Eisenberg Law Attorney To Learn More About Personal Injury Cases

If you have been injured by another party and want to find out if you have a personal injury claim, contact the attorneys at Eisenberg Law Offices in Madison, Wisconsin. Our personal injury attorneys can evaluate your situation and recommend a course of action that helps you obtain appropriate compensation for your injuries.

Arrange a free consultation by calling 608-256-8356 or emailing



Eisenberg Law has successfully represented our clients in thousands of Personal Injury, Criminal Defense and Family Law Cases during our 30-plus years in business.