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Calculating Assault Damages | Injury Lawyers Madison

Injury Lawyers In Madison Discuss: How Much Money Can I Be Awarded In A Lawsuit For Assault? Securing monetary damages for an assault involves the civil court system. The civil courts allow victims to sue their attackers for money. How much is awarded in an assault case varies greatly from case to case and even from state to state. In Wisconsin, your best course of action if you want to try to sue an attacker for damages is to consult with injury lawyers in Madison. Understanding Damages Damages,...

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Madison WI Attorneys – Top Causes of Personal Injury to Children

Madison WI Attorneys discuss the top causes of Personal Injury to Children The injury of a child is a terrifying thing. Even a minor injury can seem so much worse because of the child’s size and comparative fragility. Unfortunately, personal injury in children is all too common, and not just in the form of scrapes after falling off a bike. The Centers for Disease Control has statistics on the leading causes of fatal and non-fatal injuries for different age groups. For kids, the results...

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3 Ways a Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help After an Accident

Contact a Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer when you’ve been injured If you have been in an accident, the world can seem like it is spinning out of control. Your car or property, your own health, and the concerns of your loved ones all shoot through your mind. And when you have attorneys sending you mail the moment after you have been injured, it can get even more confusing and frustrating. Fortunately, some people are here to help you sort it out. When you reach out to a good Wisconsin...

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4 Questions to Ask Madison Personal Injury Lawyers

Madison Personal Injury Lawyers can answer your questions Personal injuries happen every day, in crashes on the road, in the home, and out in the community. If someone else’s negligence or recklessness caused your injury, you should see a lawyer to help determine your rights. The lawyer will ask questions to help him or her understand your situation. But this is also your chance to learn. During your initial meeting, you should ask any potential Madison personal injury lawyers some basic...

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Personal Injury Attorney Madison WI – Eisenberg Law

Consult A Personal Injury Attorney In Madison, WI For Negligence Claims Anytime an unexpected injury happens at a place of business, there’s the potential for a personal injury lawsuit to be filed. However, just because there’s been an injury doesn’t mean there’s an actual case. Take a recent case in Virginia. A mother is suing an amusement park for $1 million after one of the rides left her 2-year old son with a serious brain injury. In the filing, the parent claims...

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