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Month: July 2017

How Do I Collect Money After a Judgment?

Madison Law Firm explains how to collect your judgment Seeing a case through trial requires patience and energy. When you get a verdict and win a judgment against the defendant, you will rightly feel like celebrating. But the hard work and time you put into your case has not ended just yet; you still have to collect your judgment. If the defendant does not pay voluntarily, you will need to take steps to recover the money owed to you. First, Talk to the Defendant Ideally, you can just...

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Drunk Driving Accidents in Madison WI

Hit by Drunk Driver in Madison WI? Know your Rights It is not unusual, in Madison or any other part of Wisconsin, for people to unwind in the evening or the weekend with a beer or other alcoholic beverage. The problem, of course, comes when someone drinks and then gets into a car. According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, driving under the influence of alcohol remains the greatest controllable factor contributing to crashes in the state. Alcohol-Related Accidents in Wisconsin Wisconsin’s...

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Personal Injury: 5 Things to Know About Drowning Accidents

Drowning Accidents – stay safe to avoid Personal Injury Madison, Wisconsin is home to no fewer than five lakes residents and visitors enjoy during the summer months. While you can enjoy them for boating, swimming, or fishing, you need to be aware of the dangers they can represent. Understanding the risks and dangers you face can go a long way toward keeping you safe in the water and avoiding personal injury. It’s More Common Than You Think: On average, about ten people die every...

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